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Presenter's Corner

On this page you will find Experienced High Quality Presenters 
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Bernadette Towns PhD

Bernadette has been teaching for over 25 years. She has taught every level of education from infants to college students. Over the past 10 years Bernadette has presented across the United States and Internationally in China, and Spain. Topics presented on include: Culture, Concept building, Curriculum Design (all ages),  Imagination, Assessment and Teaching,  For more information Contact:


Josette Ortega aka "The Child Whisperer"  Josette has been an educator for the past 15 years. She has taught preschool and elementary in multicultural, economically diverse classrooms.  Josette is best known for her ability to take children with challenging behaviors and transform them. Over the past few years Josette has presented workshops on Strategies for Challenging Behaviors across the United States. For more information


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Sharon Brown

Sharon has been in Early Childhood Education for almost forty years and still loves every minute of it. She has a master’s degree in Human Growth and Development with a specialty in Early Childhood Education. During her career she has taken on the role of a Prekindergarten Teacher, a Kindergarten Teacher, an Early Childhood Education Curriculum Specialist, an Assistant Director, a Director, and an Early Learning Coach. In addition to these positions, she has been a faculty member for Bakersfield College since 2001, as well as Taft College since 2005.  

As a consultant, she has presented on a variety of subjects all based around developmentally appropriate curriculum for young children. Her specialty workshops include math and science for young children. Her passion for animals and understanding of how children learn make these interactive workshops fun and engaging for the audience.

For more information contact:


Becky Roth

Becky has been a community college instructor for more than 25 years, working at Taft College, Bakersfield College and California State University Bakersfield.  Becky has an M.A. Degree in Education, with an emphasis in Early Childhood Education.  She is currently working on a Ph.D. in Early Childhood Education at Walden University. Besides a degree in Early Childhood Education, Becky has training in a variety of areas.  She is a certified Infant Massage Instructor, a PITC (Program for Infant/Toddler Caregiver) Trainer, and has traveled to Reggio Emilia, Italy for training in the Reggio Emilia Approach to education. 

Becky has provided training throughout the county, state and internationally on subjects ranging from infant development, infant massage, curriculum and discipline.  She serves on the Kern County Mentor Teacher Selection Committee and has served as a Program Quality Reviewer for centers throughout Kern County.  Becky is passionate about students at every level of education and is particularly interested in the quality of education they receive.  For more information contact:

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